"Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas."

– Dale Evans

Hollies & Heels

Cozier, An Overview

From Santa's iconic visage to Rudolph's charming nose, we provide a brief overview of our items that will undoubtedly bring warmth and cheer to your holiday. What better gifts or way to enjoy Christmas?

Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer


A heartwarming addition to your Christmas attire. These slip-ons showcase Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer's bright and cheerful character, celebrating the enduring spirit of the season.

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Santa Claus


These delightful pair feature the iconic image of Santa, Father Christmas! the embodiment of Christmas cheer. With Santa's joyful face gracing your feet, you'll experience the magic and warmth of the season with every step you take.

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Clarice Reindeer


The magic of the season with a touch of sophistication and grace. Embody the gentleness and elegance of Clarice in every step.

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Gingerbread Man


With the Gingerbread Man's playful charm adorning your feet, you'll be transported to a world of holiday delight and delicious treats.

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Christmas Tree


The staple of a cozy cold Christmas; let a Christmas tree's charm become a cherished part of your joyful Christmas traditions.

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